מכירה 29

Or Torah by the Maggid of Mastrich, a Chassidic work, second edition. Lublin 1895—copy of Sanz rabbis

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $180

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

Collection of writings by Rav Dov Beer, the Maggid of Mastricht, follower of the Ba’al Shem Tov. 66 pages (132 sides). Defects on the binding, stains, generally good condition.

Cover and first blank page has important stamps: “Elisha Halberstam Avdak of Gorlitz and the Galil” (see below). Cover has note: “Aharon Halberstam” (see below). And: “Menachem Mendel Katz Azriel”.

Rabbi Elisha Halberstam (1860-1941) was the son of the Admor Rabbi Baruch of Gorlitz, and grandson of the Divrei Haim of Sanz. He was rabbi of Gorlitz (Poland) in his father’s place. He refused to act as Admor after his father’s death, but despite that some of his father’s chassidim saw him as the successor and treated him as a Rebbe in every way. During World War II he was exiled to Siberia, and according to testimonies he died on the Seder night of 1941 while singing the piyyut “Vayehi b’hatzi halayla” [“it was in the middle of the night”], while he sat at the Seder table.

Rabbi Aharon Halberstam (1865-1942) of Biela (Bilitz) was the son of Rabbi Yosef Zeev of Koshnov and grandson of Rabbi David, son of the Divrei Haim of Sanz. He was the son-in-law of Rabbi Alter David of Wolbrom. He never officially served as Admor but in practice he behaved as one. He was a student of his uncle, Rabbi Yehezkel Shraga of Sinoa, and of the Admor the Maharid of Belz. He was considered a great talmid chacham, served as rosh yeshiva and a posek halacha. Authored “Meged Shamayim”.