מכירה 29

. Volume with a number of books, among them works of chassidut and Sefer Drosh of the Maharam Bennett, some first editions—late 19th/early 20th century.

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $80

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

Volume with 8 books—separate cover for each. 1. Imrei Kadosh by the Saraf of Strelisk—Lemberg 1902. Pages detached. 12 pages. 2. Ila Shlucha and Likkutei Maharam, no cover and additional pages. 3. Igeret HaTiyul—Munkatch 1898. 12 pages. 4. Divrei Geonim and Drosh of Rabbi Mordechai Bennett. First edition—Podgorza 1900. 40 pages. 5. Derech Emet by Rabbi Meshulam Feivush of Zebriz. At the end is Zetil Katan by Rabbi Elimelech of Luzhansk. Munkatch 1901. 40 pages. 6. Shulchan Aruch of Moharar Eliezer HaKatan—Munkatch 1902. 28 pages. 7. Meta’amim HaChadash, “good sources for holy minhagim of Israel” by Rabbi Yitzhak Lifshitz of Shedlitz. First edition. Warsaw 1894. Missing the last page, 106 pages. 8. Meta’amim by the same rabbi as above. First edition, Warsaw 1887. Many pages detached, various stains, old binding with inscriptions. Generally good condition. Body of the work has the following signature repeatedly: “Shmuel bar Shimon Yitzhak Shochet u’Bodek z”l.”