מכירה 29

Mishnayot Seder Moed, published by the Chidushei HaRim of Gur. Warsaw, 1854

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $50

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

Mishnayot Seder Moed "with the commentary of Rabbeinu Ovadya of Bartenura and the Tosfot Yom Tov…and now with new virtues…Peirush HaMishnayot of…Rambam and Chidushei Tosfot of Rabbi Akiva Eiger…" Printed in Warsaw, 1854. This is a prominent edition, as noted on the title page, it was published by partners – the first being Admor Yitzchak Meir Alter of Gur, the "Chidushei HaRim." [2], 219 leaves – copy missing the first title page and three last leaves, which do not feature the text of the Mishnayot itself. Title page in red ink, light stains, blemishes to the spine, apparently original binding, overall fine condition. Handwritten glosses at the start and highlights in the book itself. The Emes V'Emunah with Torah thoughts from the Kotzker Rebbe mentions the printing of this book by the Admor of Gur: "The Rebbe of Sochotshov [the Avnei Nezer] said that it is know that there is one Mishnah that the whole world knows that it writes "assur" when it really is "mutar" and it is mistaken. And when the Chidushei Harim wanted to print the Mishnayot he wanted to correct the mistake and he first wanted to ask Rabbeinu ztz"l. When he was with him and parted he forgot the whole question and he came to the beit medrash and found the Rbbe of Scohotshov and told him the issue, and he said that he should go ask Rabbeinu ztz"l. He went and asked him and Rabbeinu ztz"l started screaming "A greiz, a greiz" [mistake, a mistake]. He paced in his room and then told him that it should be written "assur" and told him the meaning and the reason why. He was astonished and went to the beit medrash of the Chidushei Harim and told him what happened and the commentary of Rabbeinu ztz"l. The Chidushei HaRim said that it was undoubtedly the "Ba'al Hashemuah" of the Mishnah himself who told him the commentary, because a human being doesn't have the capability to come up with it. (Emet V'Emunah Kotkz, 551).