מכירה 29

Collection of tzedakah boxes made from tin and plastic—Israel, 20th century

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $50

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

1. Tin box covered in paper for the Ahavat Haim Company founded by the Chacham Menashe.

2. 2 tin boxes of the JNF-KKL, one of them without a cover.
3. Tin box of Tzedakat Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNes Kollel, Jerusalem.
4. Tin box for „Beit Chaya Shochet.”
5. 23 plastic boxes, among others for the Tamar Bikur Holim, Bnei Brak, Agudat Beit Avraham, Yeshivat Siftei Tzaddik in Hatzor, Yeshivat Beit Yosef Novhardok, Amutat Hod Kedumim Kiryat Ata, Kollel Polin, Kupat Rabbi David u’Moshe, Ezrat Yisrael of Chassidei Baiyan, Yeshivat Atinia, Kollel Ahavat Tziyon Zibenbirgen, Yeshivat Hadera, Gamach Yad Ephraim, Yeshivat Babov Bat Yam, Yeshivat Nezer Yisrael—Gur Tel Aviv, Yeshivat Beit El (Kabbalist), institutes of Yachel Yisrael Seret Vizhnitz, Chassidei David, Yeshivat Shuvu Banim Bnei Brak, Yeshivat Meir bat Ayin Tiberias, Institutes of Yagdil Torah.
Various conditions, defects, signs of rust, some without covers, some of the letters are defective and missing.