מכירה 29

Menuchat Asher, Section One. First Edition. Sighet, 1876. Signature of the Author's Son

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $200

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

Menuchat Asher, section one "including tremendous pilpul and svarot yesharot on most sugyot of the Talmud in alphabetical order, that was researched in the sea of Talmud, and Rishonim and leading Achronim" by Rabbi Asher Anshel Jungreisz of Csenger. Approbations from the Yitav Lev of Sighet and Rabbi Yosef Shaul Notenhuasen of Lemberg. Concludes with Torah novellae by the author's son, the publisher Rabbi Shmuel Zev Halevi; and the Nayach Nafashi kuntress from his grandfather, his mother's father, Rabbi Meir Almas of Mattersdorf. Along with Torah novellae by the author's son-in-law, Rabbi Yehoshua Baruch Reinitz and words of wisdom and mussar from the aforementioned publisher. First edition – Sighet, 1876. [8], 93, [4] leaves. Old binding with leather spine, preserved, minimal worming holes, light stains, overall fine condition.

The back of the title page bears the signature of the publisher, Rabbi Shmuel Zev, under the note, "if this book is found by a person without the author's family's signature it is stolen."