מכירה 29

Aseifat Zekeinim on Masechet Ketubot, early edition—Warsaw 1861-77, with interesting notes.

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $50

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

“Chiddushei Masechet Ketubot attributed to a Talmid Katan who became the Gaon Rabbi Betzalel Ashkenazi…later called the Shita Mekubetzet.” Important endorsements from the Chiddushei HaRim of Gur and more. Section 1: 1861. Section 2 with a separate cover printed in 1877. Difference in the pages used for the two sections. [1], 74, 77, 110 pages (220 sides). No front binding or spine, the rear is detached, a bit of moth holes, tears along the width of a few pages without missing text, small tears in the margins of the cover, generally good condition. Cover has the stamp: “Shmuel Jacobowitz, Biele W. M. R.” Stamp: “Shmuel David Jacobowitz, Lublin Shorko 16.” Note: “Mordechai Asher Jacobowitz bar Meir of Weinhaus…next to Brisk, Lithuania.”