מכירה 29

Complete, pretty set of the Mishnah Berurah, with original bindings, printed during the author’s lifetime.

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $100

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

Complete set in the original bindings—the six volumes of Mishnah Berurah by the Chafetz Haim. Printed entirely during the author’s lifetime. Volume 1: Warsaw 1901. Volume 2: Pietrekov, 1907. Volume 3: Warsaw [n.a.]. Volume 4: Pietrekov [n.a.]. Volume 5: Warsaw 1901. Volume 6: Warsaw [n.a.]. Original bindings, two with reinforced spines, defects and various tears, a few pages detached, generally good condition. Section 6 has a number of handwritten notes. Note of ownership: “from the books of Dov Sternbuch, London.” With inscription in English.

Rabbi Dov Sternbuch of Gateshead and Bnei Brak was the son of Rabbi Asher of London, a descendent of the Gra. He was a huge talmid chacham who knew the Shas by heart. He was close with many sages, and was a student of the Gra”a Dessler. He had a special relationship with Maran Rabbi Haim Kanievsky, who forbid him from asking those at his beit midrash not to stand in his honor. He was brother of the Ra’avad of Antwerp, Rabbi Eliyahu Sternbuch, and the Ra’avad of the Charedi community, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch. Died in 1990 when he was on his way to Minchah, aged 96.