מכירה 28

פריט 217:

Ledger of a Shada"r [Fundraiser] for the Ezrat Torah Society with Signature of the Maharitz Dushinsky, Rabbi Yochanan of Rachmastrivka and Others

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $250

עמלת בית המכירות:

Fundraising ledger with a number of handwritten leaves from the "Chevrat Ezrat Torah U'Menachem Tzion in Jerusalem" – an organization founded for the goal of helping yeshivah bachurim. At first the organizers appeal to "all our dear brethren, the philanthropists of our nation and those who honor Torah…the society, per its name, has holy activities, it gives the opportunity for young boys, the poor of our land from the settlements who want to learn Torah…to prepare for them a place to sleep and eat and fills all their needs…in both ruchniyus and gashmiyus.." and they then dicuss their activities and ask the community for help with funding. Signed at the conclusion by the rabbis: נאום אפרים זלמן הלפרין [rubbed out] נאום יוחנן טברסקי נאום מענדל עקערמן. On the other side of the leaf, the Maharitz Dushinsky adds a few words in his hand בעזה"י כל הדברים הנ"ל הנאמרים באמת וצדק ולמען עודל המצוה באה"ח יוסף צבי דושינסקיא with his stamp יוסף צבי דושינסקיא רב ואב"ד לכל מקהלות אשכנזים בעה"ק ירושלים תובב"א ורב ראשי להיהדות החרדית בארץ ישראל. On a separate leaf, Rabbi Chaim Zevulen Charlap joins the appeal and adds a few lines in his hand כיהודא ועוד לקרא הנני מצטרף לדברי ארזי דעיה"ק ירושת"ו ומבקש לתמוך בהמוסד הזה, שלפי עדות רבני וגאוני ירושת"ו נתמכים הרבה ילדים ובחורי חמד השוקדים על התורה והיראה, החותם בברכה רבה חיים זובולון חרל"פ רב ואב"ד ראשון לציון. Along with the stamp of the organization. The last leaves of the document have text that is rubbed out, the leaves are detached from each other, water stains, otherwise fine condition. 16×10 cm. Rabbi Efraim Zalman Halpern (1871-1961) was a chassidic rabbi from the United States and a founder of the "Merkaz Artzi L'Teharat HaMishpacha." In 1938, he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in the Geulah neighborhood. He was one of the first people to promote the recital of "Amen and Amen Yehei Shemei Rabba" with concentration and he wrote the "Shomer Emunim" kuntress on the topic [New York, 1953]. He also authored the "V'Zot Asher Tziviti, " [Jerusalem, 1949]. His life's work was the "Merkaz Ha'artzi L'Teharat Hamishpacha, " which he founded in 1942 with the help and support of Rabbi Shlomkeof Zvhil. After Rabbi Halpern's death, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach served as nasi of the organization for more than twenty years. The organization is still active today and establishes mikvaot on different settlements throughtout the country and disseminates awareness of teharat hamishpacha. Admor Yochanan Twersky of Rachmastrivka (1900-1982) was the son of Rabbi Dovid and son-in-law of the gabbai tzedaka Rabbi Nachman Yosef Wilhelm, whose father-in-law was a scion of the Azulai family with lineage through the Chida. He was known for his mesirus nefesh, as a prominent chassid. Rabbi Yosef Zvi Dushinsky – the Maharitz (1877-1949) was the son of Yisroel and son-in-law of Rabbi Mordechai Yehudah Leib Winkler of Madd, a disciple of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Sofer, Rabbi of Pressburg and Rabbi Moshe Pollack, Rabbi of Bonyhad. He was the Rabbi of Galanta and Chust, Hungary and Gav"d of the Eidah HaCharedit in Jerusalem, a posek and Rosh Yeshiva. He was a member of the Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah of Agudat Yisroel until the Eidah Hacharedit separated from it. He authored many works on many Torah subjects, such as Shu"t Maharitz, Chidushei Maharitz and more. Rabbi Chaim Zevulen Charlap (1902-1964) was the son of Rabbi Yaakov Moshe. He received rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Kook and Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer. He was the Rabbi of Rishon Letzion for about forty years.