מכירה 25

The prototype edition: Shas Vilna printed by the Ram widow and brothers—Vilna 1880 onwards, with handsome original bindings

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $200

עמלת בית המכירות: 20%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

19 volumes from the prototype edition of the Talmud Bavli as studied today throughout the Jewish people, the Vilna edition from 1880 onward. All Jews study according to this edition, and the Daf Yomi also goes according to its page numbering. Before us is the entire Shas except for part of Bava Metziya. Each volume has masechtot with separate covers, some with 2 covers, with a special cover for the Rif.

1. Brachot 1880, Rif 1881.
2. Shabbat 1883, including Rif with no year of printing noted.
3. Eiruvin 1881, including Rif.
4. Pesachim 1886, including Rif. Ta’anit 1889, including Rif.
5. Beitza 1889. Yoma 1886. Moed Katan 1888. Chagiga 1886. Other than Hagiga, there is Rif for each masechet.
6. Rosh Hashana 1887. Sukkah 1887. Megillah 1886. Shekalim (no year), including Rif for all of them but Shekalim.
7. Yevamot 1883, including Rif.
8. Ketubot 1887, including Rif.
9. Nedarim 1884, including Rif. Kedushin with no year of printing. Includes Rif.
10. Gittin 1886, including Rif. Nazir 1889. Sota 1884.
11. Bava Kama 1886, including Rif 1882. Makot 1891. Includes Rif.
12. Bava Batra 1886.
13. Senhedrin 1888, including Rif. Horayot with no cover page. Ediyot 1883.
14. Shavuot 1891, including Rif. Avoda Zara 1883. Includes Rif.
15. Zevachim 1889. Archin 1885. Tmurah 1886. Kritot 1885.
16. Temurah 1886. Me’ilah 1885.
17. Hulin 1889. Rif 1886.
18. Bekhorot 1889.
19. Niddah 1886.

Various conditions, original bindings, spines mainly defective in them, some have additional defects to bindings. Pages detached, damage to some masechtot. Generally ok to good condition for the whole set.