Auction 78

The Rebbe the Rayatz's Historical Letter with His Plea to the Hamizrachi Movement to Save the Pure Education of the Teheran Children and the Movement's Outrageous Reply - Menachem Av 1943

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Start price: $700

Buyer's premium: 25%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Igeret Kodesh from the 25th of Menachem Av 1943 [typewritten by mistake on the letter: 1941], on the official stationery of the Rebbe the Rayatz from 770, addressed to the Hamizrachi in the USA and Canada. In his letter, the Rebbe asks about the return letter he has sent at the beginning of the month to the Geonim rabbis in the USA and Canada with a request for their opinion about the measures that should be taken against the Jewish Agency in Eretz Yisrael to save the refugee children arriving there from its hands and send them to Kosher educational insitutions so they remain religious. The Rebbe continues to ask that the Hamizrachi send a representative to a congress in the USA organized by him on Monday, the 6th of Elul, to meet the just demand of the Geonim rabbis, to discuss the question of refugee children in Eretz Yisrael which requires a quick solution and practical action. The Rebbe ends his letter with a request for a reply as soon as possible: "לתשובתכם אחכה בהקדם האפשרי, לאלתר לתשובה, לאלתר לגאולה, בברכה [his handwritten signature]". 

Unfortunately, the Hamizrachi Movement did not answer the Rebbe’s call. On this letter, the addressee, Rabbi Aryeh Leib Gelman (the president of the Worldwide Hamizrachi Movement), handwrote that the limited committee – Rabbi Berlin, Rabbi Gold, Gedalya Boblik, Hollander, Nedler – decided not to particpate nor respond. 

Approx. 28X21 cm. Filing holes and stains. Good overall condition. 

The Teheran Children

The Teheran Children were a group of children, Holocaust survivors, who were smmugled from Poland via Teheran, Iran, to Eretz Yisrael in 1943. The children’s arrival led to a heated public dispute following the authorities’ refusal to enable the children to receive religious education. Leading contemporary rabbis in Eretz Yisrael and abroad protested and made efforts to save the children. The Admor the Rayatz headed the public protest in the USA and was concerned with the issue for a long time (see more in Chabapedia). See more in the foreword of Igrot Kodesh HaRayatz volume VII 1943 and the Rebbe and Sephardic Jewry – chapter 6 titled Eretz Yisrael.