Auction 77
Lot 127:
Especially appropriate for these times! Collection of prayers and Segulot for the residents of Eretz Yisrael in times of war.
1. Segulah: Seder Bakashat Rachamim by the Mekubal Rabbi Yehuda Fatiya: Machberet Asirei Hatikvah – first edition, Jerusalem, 1940. Machberet Asirei Hatikvah, "Seder Bakashat Rachamim in times of trouble of 1940" – the days of World War II. The prayers and pleas were compiled and edited by the Mekubal Rabbi Yehuda Moshe Yeshu’ah Fatiya. At first, he writes that 13 pious men should be chosen, representing the 13 tribes and 40 Perutot should be given to charity. Sidrei Hakafot and prayers are introduced as well as passages from the Zohar.
Printed during World War II to support the people of Eretz Yisrael and includes prayers for being rescued from war. First edition – Jerusalem, 1940. 16 pp. This copy includes the cover! (detached).
2. Kovetz Inyanim said by Maran the Mashgiach Shlita of the Ponovezh Yeshiva in times of trouble, war and Yeshu’ah, Iyar-Sivan, 1967.
Kovetz Inyanim booklet with Sichot by Maran the Mashgiach of the Ponovezh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yechezkel Lowenstein, during the period of the Six-Day-War, Iyar-Sivan, 1967. 49 leaves.
3. Prayer for being rescued from the Nazi army which was approaching Eretz Yisrael during the Holocaust – Jerusalem, after 1940?
Titled: "סגולה נפלאה בעת צרה לבטל הגזרה, ולהפר עצת האיבה…". With prayers and verses such as הצילנו נא מיד אחי מיד עשו" referring to the Nazis, who were planning to invade the Holy Land. An emphasis at the end of the prayer, to be rescued from "ממלחמת גוג ומגוג".
Apparently published in ca. 1942 in the name of the Mekubalim, sages and rabbis of Jerusalem. Printed in Jerusalem.
1 leaf. 34.5X25 cm.
4. Prayer for the rescue of the Yishuv and the Jewish people, "we found in an ancient manuscript attributed to Nezer Yisrael Abba Shalom Shabazi, a prayer to be rescued from trouble…". Printed during the Holocaust in Eretz Yisrael. At its end, a comment: "We ask the public to say the prayer always on the days of the week and Sabbath until things quieted down…".
1 leaf. 22.5X32.5 cm.
5. Leaf with the Mi Shebeirach prayer "to be said on Sabbath after the reading of the Torah. Edited by the council of great Sephardic rabbis headed by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Ben Zion Meir Chai Uziel Shlita".
The version of the prayer: "מי שברך… הוא יברך את כל הקהל הקדוש הזה תשובי ירושלם… ואת כל היושבים בארצות הקודש בערים ובמושבות ואת המגינים הגבורים העומדים במערכות המלחמה להגן ולהציל את ישובנו בארץ… מלך ישראל וגואלו ומושיעו בעת צרה יריב את ריבנו ילחם את מלחמתנו ויושיענו מיד איויבינו ומכל הקמים עלינו לרעה ויפרוש עלינו סוכת שלומו".
Conditions vary. Stains. Moth damage. Varied aging blemishes and more (see pictures).
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