Auction 7

6 important books of chassidut, most are first editions.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $300

Buyer's premium:

1. “Midrash Raba” with explanations of the ‘Hidden Way’ from the Admor of Zadishov HaRav Yitzhak Isaac Eichenstein. Second section on Exodus and Leviticus. Lviv 1874. (2) 67, 54 page. (Stefanski Chassidut 336). 2. “Malbush L’Shabbat v’Yom Tov,” drashot on the Torah, from the Admor of Zadishov HaRav Issachar Barish of Wartski, Munkatch 1927. First edition, 68 pages. 3. “Pe’er Yitzhak,” history of the Admor Rabbeinu Yitzhak Isaac of Zadishov, by Rav Michael HaCohen Brauer, Lviv 1928. 4. “Likutei Maharei,” by the Admor HARav Yitzhak Isaac of Zadishov, Lemberg (Lviv) 1890, first edition, 57 pages. 5. “Imrei No’am” on Pirkei Avot, from the Admor HaRav Yehuda Yitzhak Isaac of Komarno, Warsaw 1895, second edition. 6. “Imrei No’am” as above, “Netzer Hassid,” Warsaw 1928. 6 books, all in good condition, different sizes.