Copy with yichus and rare: Sefer Yesod—Shaar HaHakdamot by the Maharhav (kabbalah). First edition, Jerusalem 1865.
Shaar HaHakdamot, the first section of the famous work “Shmoneh She’arim” by the Maharhav, who received from the Arizal “forgotten secrets never printed before.”
First edition, 1865—the title page has an error, the true date of printing is established by the publisher’s introduction. [2], 78, [2] leaves in the original, this copy is missing the last leaf of the indices. Stefanski Sifrei Yesod #353. Shoshana HaLevi 117. Catalogued in the Rare Books section of the National Library. Approbation from Rabbi Chai Refael Yedidya Abulafia.
No binding, worming holes and damage, overall poor condition.