Auction 51

Two siddurim “Taharat HaShem”—printed only by complete and utter Torah-following, Gd-fearing Jews. Published by Rabbi Baruch Yitzhak Freund and his grandson. Jerusalem 1952-1975

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $70

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Two “Taharat HaShem” siddurim printed only by Gd-fearing Jews, published by Rabbi Baruch Yitzhak Freund and his grandson.

Rabbi Baruch Yitzhak Freund (died 1964) was a student of the Divrei Yehezkel of Sinoa, and in his old age was close with the Rabbi baal HaShomrei Emunim. He was known for his huge investment in prayer. Like many chassidim he gave great importance to Slavita and Zhitomir printings (which were produced only by Gd-fearing Jews), in accordance with the writing of the Admor Shomrei Emunim in Taharat HaKodesh (Maamar Kedushat Einayim Chapter 6): “he should get used to studying from books printed by yirei hashem…because books printed by the frivolous do not have holiness attached to them. Every Gd-fearing many should try to acquire books from old printings, printed usually by Gd-fearing men, especially Slavita and Zhitomir printings from the grandsons of the Rahak of Koritz, who were printers with extreme holiness.”

Because those printings were very expensive already in his time, he initiated (in 1927) the printing of a siddur which would be produced only by Gd-fearing Jews. He succeeded and managed to publish two editions during his lifetime (1927 and 1952). His grandson Rabbi Yaakov Issachar Shaish published a third edition using the same format in 1975. Before us is the 1952 and 1975 edition.

1952: the pagination is messed up, bound with the Book of Psalms New York printing. Cellotape and tears to a number of leaves, overall good condition.

1975: 497 leaves, stains, good condition.