1. Siddur Kol Yaakov of the Ari, facsimile of title pages of the Slavita and Lemberg editions, binding has golden inscriptions like the Lemberg edition. With an attached bookmark.
2. Siddur Rav Shabtai, facsimile of Lemberg 1866, printed in Brooklyn 1961, facsimile of the title page from the Koritz edition.
3. Siddur Kavanot HaAri, edited by Rabbi Asher Margaliyot, with notes Ateret Zvi and Bnei Shloshim, printed in Bnei Brak 2011, facsimile of the Lemberg edition. With attached bookmark.
4. Siddur Kavanot HaRashash, 4 sections in four volumes. “Prepared and researched by the Rosh Yeshivat Beit El, Rabbi Yedidya Refail Hai Abulafiya, for the first time from the facsimile of a holy manuscript. Section 1: 2003. Section 2: 2005. Section 3: 2007. Section 4: 2010. Each volume has a picture of the kabbalistic Beit El yeshiva on Rashi street, Jerusalem. Overall good condition.