Auction 41

Letter from the Rebbe with references and blessings related to health—Iyar 1952.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $500

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Typewritten letter on official letterhead, from 23rd of Iyar 1952, answering a letter sent to him regarding the writer’s grandson who has difficulty walking alone. The Rebbe answers: “I am confident in Hashem Yitbarach Shmo, that based on the words that one who sows in sorrow reaps with joy, I say that your travails have sufficed, and that soon your daughter and son-in-law will be able to share the news that they see with their own eyes an improvement in their son’s situation, and his luck with shine in ruchniyus and gashmiyus. And as long as he continues to grow their confidence and happiness will grow, may it happen soon, and may he have more good news in consequence…and before Chag Shavuot I bless him with the words of the Admor…to receive the Torah in happiness and to internalize the blessings of the chag.” Handwritten signature of the Rebbe.

The body of the letter has punctuation and corrections handwritten by the Rebbe. Folding creases and small stains, a tiny hole in the signature.