Auction 52

Recommendation note signed by the Mashgiach Rabbi Meir Chadash for the tzaddik Rabbi Menachem Perzovitz.

The auction will start in __ days and __ hours

Start price: $50

Buyer's premium: 23%

Sales Tax: On buyer's premium only

Small note of paper, handwritten and signed by Maran Mashgiach Rabbi Meir Chadash, from 21st Adar 1977, “I hereby certify that Mr. Menachem Perzovitz collects money for an important purpose for a talmid chacham gadol v’tzaddik.” Overall very good conditio.

Rabbi Meir Chadash (1898-1989) was the son of a rabbi and student of the Saba of Slobodka. He was mashgiach at the Chevron yeshiva for more than 50 years. He also served as mashgiach at the Ateret Yisrael and Or Elchanan yeshivot, and was a prominent figure of the Mussar movement. He moved to Israel in 1926. His sons and sons-in-law are prominent figures in yeshivot in Israel today. He wrote: Or Chadash, Or Meir, and more.

Rabbi Menachem Perzovitz (died 2003) was the son of Rabbi Yehezkel Perzovitz, mashgiach at the Tiferet Zvi yeshiva. One of the fascinating figures of the Lithuanian yeshiva world in Israel, he is known for his many righteousnesses and especially for his great work as one of those providing joy at weddings, when he always found the right word to put a smile on others’ faces. He was sent by many gedolim for various tzedakah activity. Rav David Khadouri later stated that Rav Perzovitz was his chavruta and that he studied kabbalah under his father.