Sefer Hatashbetz, fpur sections, Shut by Rabbi Shimon Bar Tzemach Duran – First Edition Amsterdam – 1738-1739.
In his book Yafeh LaLev, Rabbi Rachamim Nissim Yitzchak ben Rabbi Chaim Palachi wrote: "ואני שמעתי על הרב הגדול הרשב"ץ דמה שזכה לספר שו"ת גדול הנקרא תשב"ץ בדפוס וכריכה נאה – אין כמוה, לפי שהיה נזהר לפרוש מטפחת יפה נאה וחשובה על הספרים שהיו פתוחים לפניו ללמוד בהם".
Separate title page for each section. First section: [11], 91. Second section: [1], 69, [1]. Third section: [1], 68, [1]. Fourth section: [1], 101, [1] leaves. 31cm. The fourth section has a separate title page for each of the three Turim [see: N. Ben-Menachem, Besod Sefarim, Sinai, Volume 16, 1945, pp. 324-326. And see, D. Yardeni, Seder Hadpasato shel the Tashbetz, Alei Sefer, 10, pp. 119-132, with a detailed description of the chronology of printing, two main formats with the variations in the title pages of the varied copies]. Stefansky Sifrei Yesod 270.
Without the first, general illustrated title page. Moth perforations and damage. Stains and some other blemishes. Good overall condition.