Auction 68
Lot 97:
Volume with two books by the Adnor Rabbi Zvi Elimelech of Dinov, author of the Bnei Yissachar:
1. Peirush HaRaa MiGromiza, "על ספר יצירה המיוחס לאאע"ה , אשר חיבר רבינו אלעזר בעל הרקח… ונמצא טמון באמתחת אא"ז… מהרצ"א [רבי צבי אלימלך שפירא] זלה"ה האבד"ק דינאב… כתוב בכתב ידו … אשר העתיק לעצמו מספר כתב יד, והוסיף עליהם לפעמים הגהותיו…" With approbations by leading contemporary Admorim. First edition, Premishla, 1883. [2], 22, 17, [1], 8 leaves. Without the two leaves with the list of subscribers.
2. Sefer Chiddushei Mahartza on Hilchot Chanukkah, by the Admor Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov author of the Bnei Yissachar. Published by his grandson Rabbi Moshe Shapira of Premyslan- first edition, Premishla (Premyslan), 1882. In the National Library, the book appears in the Rare Books Collection. [2], 39 leaves.
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