מכירה 29

A halakhic tshuva regarding the succession of a son after a father in the melucha and rabbinate, handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Matityahu Landau

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $100

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

No date listed. Handwritten letter signed by Rabbi Matityahu Landau—after the b”h at the top of the page, he launches immediately into the tshuva, without mentioning the addressee or an sort of introduction. It seems the rabbi was asked to rule regarding the appointment of a shochet u’bodek in an anonymous town (a subject known to be incredibly important in those days, and could be a huge controversy engulfing entire communities), whether a younger shochet could be appointed given that he had improved in the meantime, within his father’s region, or whether another candidate already serving elsewhere should be preferred. The rabbi opens with Rambam on the halachot of kings, and over many lines he engages in pilpul on all aspects of the sugiya. At the end he rules, and signs his signature. Then he adds a line “please copy for me the Gaon’s words….”. The last line testifies to the dearth of books at that time, and his request that the recipient copy a dvar torah for him. Size 20x25cm. Written on both sides of the paper, the letter has been repaired and is torn throughout, though the text can still be ready entirely. Stains, creases, generally good condition.

Rabbi Matityahu Landau (1837-1917) was the son of the Admor Rabbi Yosef Landau of Iasi. He served as rabbi of Lespitz, Ponzash, and Poditursk (Podol-Turkoloy) in Romania. He authored the Toldot Yosef on his father’s history, and the pamphlet Tosefet Shem on the book Shem Olam, issues relating to names of gittin. He was a sage among chassidei Ruzhin. He was in correspondence with Galician sages, including the Sho’el u’Meishiv, Rabbi Shalom Teuvish, Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, and Rabbi Mordechai Zeev Itinga.