מכירה 29

. Chumash Shemot with exegesis of the ktav and kabbalah, with commentary in Yiddish—Konigsberg 1856, copy owned by Rabbi Avraham Moshe Babad, with many handwritten notes.

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $50

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

Book of Exodus with a commentary “interpreting the mikrah through pshat with the Torah and Torah Shebe’al Peh, chiddushim with targum into Yiddish according to the exegesis with kabbalah of our rabbis as well.” Two covers, additional cover for the book of haftaroth according to each state’s minhag. [2], 174, [1], 20, 28 pages. Missing two pages from the last pagination set, which is the remaining complement to the commentary. Tape on some pages, stains, old binding is partially detached. Generally ok condition. Blank front page bears an important stamp: “From the books of Avraham Moshe Babad, Rabbi in Gebli [Givat Aliyah Yafo].” See below. Throughout the book are handwritten notes in pen and pencil, long and significant content.

Rabbi Avraham Moshe Babad (1900-1980) was rabbi and chassidic rosh yeshiva in Bukovina and Israel, a student of the Gaon Rabbi Meir Arik of Tornov. He inherited his father’s position, and after WWII tried to immigrate to Israel but was sent to Cyprus in 1948 by the British, where he served as rabbi of the detention camp. After making it to Israel he was in constant contact with the Chazon Ish. Around 1952 he was appointed for a time as the Rosh Yeshiva of Yechel Yisrael of the Seret-Vizhnitz Chassidic community, led by his son-in-law Admor Rabbi Baruch Hager.