מכירה 29

Volume with works by the Ramchal, early editions, including a Chassidic edition of the 138 Openings of Wisdom.

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $70

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

Book with a number of writings by Rabbeinu Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the Ramchal. Early editions, a separate cover for each one. Derech Chochmah, a work organized as questions and answers between a rabbi and student on the means of acquiring wisdom. Ma’amar al HaHaggadot, on Chazal and their sayings. Ma’amar HaIkarim, on prophecy and hashgacha, on Gan Eden and Gehenom, on the Torah and the Avodah. Warsaw 1837. At the end is “138 Openings of Wisdom”, with introductions to the Etz Haim of the Ari. Printed in Johannesburg by Haim Aryeh (no year noted). The National Library lists it as a second edition, estimated date of publication 1857. The last work’s introduction features dear things in praise of the author, and mentions the Toldot Yaakov Yosef who heard from the Maggid of Mastrich amazing things about the holiness of the Ramchal. 8, [1], 3, 8, 142 pages. Small tear to the last cover, no damage to text. Leather binding worn at the edges, light stains, otherwise very good condition, and important copy. Blank front page lists: « from the library of Dov Sternbuch.” Page before the cover of “138 Openings” has note: “This book belongs to the Naggid and Katzin of Israel.” Cursive signature in local language.

Rabbi Dov Sternbuch of Gateshead and Bnei Brak was the son of Rabbi Asher of London, a descendent of the Gra. He was a huge talmid chacham who knew the Shas by heart. He was close with many sages, and was a student of the Gra”a Dessler. He had a special relationship with Maran Rabbi Haim Kanievsky, who forbid him from asking those at his beit midrash not to stand in his honor. He was brother of the Ra’avad of Antwerp, Rabbi Eliyahu Sternbuch, and the Ra’avad of the Charedi community, Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch. Died in 1990 when he was on his way to Minchah, aged 96.