מכירה 29

Rare: Ma'amar Nitzachon Ha'Ohr al HaChoshech (Debate between the Pharisees and the Sadducees). First Edition, Printed During the Author's Lifetime. Algeria, 1896

המכירה תחל בעוד __ ימים ו __ שעות

מחיר פתיחה: $50

עמלת בית המכירות: 23%

מע"מ: על העמלה בלבד

"Ma'amar Nitzachon Ha'Ohr al HaChoshech… Shalom Bekhash." Fascinating work regarding the ancient debate from the times of Ptolemy mentioned in Gemara and relevant to many philosophical issues, published by an anonymous donor. First edition, printed during the author's lifetime. Algeria, 1896. The title page notes, "along with the Ein Gedi kuntress, " regarding the Chad Gadya Passover hymn, but it was never printed. The publisher offers his apologies on the first leaf. [2], 32 pages in the original – this copy is missing the last leaf. Many tears, some causing lack of text, stained and detached leaves, overall moderate condition. The back of the binding features a printed dedication with the receiver's address added in a Sephardic hand: "Hachacham hashalem….Yosef Karavani." Apparently written by the author.